AI Computer Vision
3DiVi Inc., founded in 2011, is one of the leading developers of AI and machine learning (ML) technologies for computer vision.

Transport Safety & Security

Transport and transport infrastructure facilities are of strategic importance for the modern economy. Biometric technologies help to ensure their security and protect drivers and passengers from a wide range of threats.

Use video analytics to ensure transport safety and security!

  • Crime prevention
    Processing of video streams from cameras, detection of lawbreakers known from databases in the flow of passers-by and tracking their movements. Search and detection of persons, who have committed illegal actions previously, by archived photos or videos.
  • Public order
    Monitoring of people’s behavior in real-time mode. Detection of persons behaving suspiciously. Instant alarming when dangerous items or situations (weapons, unattended bags, etc.) come in the cameras' field of view.
  • Access control at transport enterprises
    Biometric access control system for employees, with respect to state transport safety and security standards. Increased control over employees and outstaffers.
  • Monitoring of the driver condition
    Monitoring of condition and behavior of vehicle drivers and prevention of potentially dangerous situations. Among the recognized patterns are over-fatigue or inadequate actions of the driver, talking on a mobile phone, smoking while driving the vehicle, etc.


3DiVi products are used in transport, transport infrastructure facilities and transport enterprises.
Transport infrastructure facilities
A flexible access control system that allows to create a set of internal perimeters for people with different access levels (passengers, contractors, employees, security specialists). Detection of lawbreakers in large flows of people. Detection of weapons and unattended bags. Fast and reliable flight check-in by face.
Means of transport
Biometric system for remote flight check-in. Face ACS to get into vehicles. Unlike with a ticket, a person's face is impossible to steal or submit. Monitoring of drivers’ and passengers’ behavior. Speeding up the ticket payment.
Transport industry enterprises
Reliable and secure ACS. Prevention of emergency situations. Fraud detection among employees. Improved discipline at the enterprise. Monitoring the compliance with official regulations and occupational safety.


High-speed and accurate identification
Thanks to AI-based proprietary technology 3DiVi algorithms identify a person or a situation in less than 0.5 s. Accuracy of algorithms is confirmed by NIST.
Effectiveness in any circumstances
3DiVi algorithms recognize a person by face and integrate with any cameras placed in the dark or in the bright light, indoors or outdoors.
Instant reaction to an event
3DiVi algorithms analyze video streams in real-time mode. When any significant event occurs, they send a signal to an operator or security service and record it in a report.
Flexible adaptation to any customer’s needs
Processing video streams from any cameras. Integration with any information systems via a convenient and well-documented API.

Success Stories

Omnigo Software
Mobile-Technologies Inc.
Papillon APFIS
Unique Technologies
Papillon ACS

Products Used

Multi-object video analytics platform recognizes faces, silhouettes, objects and situations, reacts to them in real time and saves the event history.
API for successful human recognition and analysis of big image data. Compatible with any programming language.
A set of development tools to create applications that recognize human faces and silhouettes, determine their gender, age and emotional state with active or passive liveness check.
Set of components for remote identification.
Ask an Expert
3DiVi computer vision experts are always ready to help you to find a solution matching your requirements