AI Computer Vision
3DiVi Inc., founded in 2011, is one of the leading developers of AI and machine learning (ML) technologies for computer vision.
3DiVi News

Face Authentication Just Got Smarter – Check out BAF 1.8.0's New Features

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Our remote identity verification system with face recognition, Biometric Anti-Fraud (BAF), just got even better! With the release of BAF 1.8.0, we’ve launched some major updates that make face authentication not only more reliable but also more adaptable.

What’s the impact on your business?

Lower costs and better scalability

Thanks to video recording performance optimizations, BAF 1.8.0 requires fewer resources or supports more users with the same hardware setup.

Flexibility for unique scenarios

The updated web component dashboard allows you to monitor all checks and customize them for specific use cases. For instance, you can disable Liveness Reflection for one scenario and Motion Control for another.

Stronger biometric fraud protection

Improved liveness detection algorithms offer higher accuracy, reducing errors during facial registration and authentication. This means stronger defense against spoofing attacks and injection attempts.

Eyewear recognition

The system now detects the presence of glasses, a key feature for industries like banking, insurance, and others requiring strict client identity verification.

Ready to see BAF in action? Try our free online demo—available 24/7!

👉 Curious to learn more? Click here for all the details.
News BAF