AI Computer Vision
3DiVi Inc., founded in 2011, is one of the leading developers of AI and machine learning (ML) technologies for computer vision.

Zoo of the future with smart video analytics

Enhance animal monitoring, guest traffic control and customer service by implementing AI solutions. Make your zoo a futuristic success story
The software enables the lab to effortlessly record and analyze video content, track diverse animal behavior metrics, and deliver comprehensive analytics through a user-friendly dashboard
Mouse behavior analysis: software revolutionizes lab research
*Executed explicitly for the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Transform your zoo with video analytics
Elevated customer experience

Animal activity insights

Stay ahead of traditional animal care methods. Our AI analyzes animal behavior and well-being. Any quirks or health hiccups? It spots them in a jiffy!

Visitor flow

Think of us as the tour guides of the animal kingdom. We track visitor numbers, observe their wanderings, and make real-time adjustments. Ensuring the right staff, the right barriers, and, you guessed it, the right prices (because, after all, money is power)

Swift incident response

React instantly to unexpected incidents. Our AI automatically detects potential threats, fortifying the zoo's security.

Park appearance

Monitor the zoo's cleanliness, the condition of public areas, and walking routes with the help of AI. We keep your zoo pristine and picturesque. Think of us as the landscape artists using AI brushes

Unauthorized entry

Unwanted guests? Not on our watch! Our AI is the vigilant gatekeeper, stopping unauthorized intrusions in their tracks

Lost child locator

The lost and found masters, we are. Reuniting lost kids with their parents faster than a speeding cheetah, ensuring both safety and peace of mind

Smart parking

Automatically manage available parking spaces

Property and people protector

We find lost or stolen items and return them to their rightful owners with our smart video analytics, giving the zoo a superhero's touch
Special requirements? Unlock our AI toolbox
Explore our pre-built Core AI platform detectors and expertise to rapidly develop custom scenarios and models – in just 30 days. Tap into the full power of video stream analysis for invaluable data and insights
Special requirements?
Unlock our AI toolbox
Explore our pre-built Core AI platform detectors and expertise to rapidly develop custom scenarios and models – in just 30 days. Tap into the full power of video stream analysis for invaluable data and insights
Speed and Reliability
AI-driven process management ensures you stay focused on business growth with dependable results
Data processing and enhancement
Unlock valuable insights by efficiently handling extensive video datasets to drive your business forward
Real-time Feedback and Tuning
Monitor and fine-tune data analysis results in an intuitive visual forma
Swift development
Get software without unnecessary delays. We have everything required for creating and training neural networks
Our solutions are crafted by top scientists and experts in neural networks and machine learning
Development stages
Feasibility Evaluation: Assess the possibilities
Technical Specification (TS) Development and Project Structure Design: Lay the groundwork
Control Dataset Compilation: Gather your data resources
Training and Development: Equip your AI
Deployment: Put it to work
Iterations and Acceptance: Fine-tune for success
Consult with 3DiVi Experts