AI Computer Vision
3DiVi Inc., founded in 2011, is one of the leading developers of AI and machine learning (ML) technologies for computer vision.

Propel your drone fleet into the future with AI

Enhance autonomous operations
Take your drones to new heights with AI
Refine Management Operations
Integrate Vital Sensors
Preserve Handpicked Data

Data analysis and filter

Our AI operates like a well-tuned filter, swiftly recognizing objects, signs, and markers in real-time. It delivers only essential data nuggets to the operator, providing a decision-making tool that's straightforward and effective

Equipment and Infrastructure surveillance on autopilot

Let AI be your vigilant watchdog over your equipment and sprawling infrastructure. It's like having an eagle-eyed supervisor who spots issues before they turn into a full-blown circus act

Super Squad of Drones

Built a superhero team of drones. Our AI helps them play nice and coordinate based on the objects and events they spot
Special requirements? Unlock our AI toolbox
Explore our pre-built Core AI platform detectors and expertise to rapidly develop custom scenarios and models – in just 30 days. Tap into the full power of video stream analysis for invaluable data and insights
Special requirements?
Unlock our AI toolbox
Explore our pre-built Core AI platform detectors and expertise to rapidly develop custom scenarios and models – in just 30 days. Tap into the full power of video stream analysis for invaluable data and insights
Speed and Reliability
AI-driven process management ensures you stay focused on business growth with dependable results
Data processing and enhancement
Unlock valuable insights by efficiently handling extensive video datasets to drive your business forward
Real-time Feedback and Tuning
Monitor and fine-tune data analysis results in an intuitive visual forma
Swift development
Get software without unnecessary delays. We have everything required for creating and training neural networks
Our solutions are crafted by top scientists and experts in neural networks and machine learning
Development stages
Feasibility Evaluation: Assess the possibilities
Technical Specification (TS) Development and Project Structure Design: Lay the groundwork
Control Dataset Compilation: Gather your data resources
Training and Development: Equip your AI
Deployment: Put it to work
Iterations and Acceptance: Fine-tune for success
Consult with 3DiVi Experts